Q. Happy New Year,I have a potted Ficus tree outdoors. It is extremely healthy but I now see that the roots have gone through the pot and into the ground.Can I cut the roots off at the bottom of the pot? or will this kill the tree? Sandy in Florida A. Unless the potted ficus…
Category: Gardening Q & A
Here you will find answers to questions from gardeners around the country. Some answers pertain to all but others are more regional so have a look at them all. You will also see that the Gardening Q & A is broken down into the following regions so please use the drop-down Categories menu to the right to see specific regions :

Crows love Cherries – stop them
Q. How do I keep crows out of my cherry trees? I heard an owl decoy might work. Help? Scott Landon – Surrey, B.C. A. From what I remember from being a naturalist back in NJ crows will mob and attack raptors including owls. I found always found this fascinating since many smaller birds will…
Curcuma (Ruby Supreme)
Q. This summer I made a purchase of this plant at the local Lowe’s. The plant is turning yellow and then to dead leaves. What do I do, cut it down to ground level? Cover it up with mulch? Can’t find any directions for winterizing it here in the low country. I think we are…
Moss Control in Beds
Q. This year I had lots of moss in my flower garden. Although I have had patches of moss on other places before, I don’t remember much in my garden areas. It’s gone now, having had my bed cleaned up for the winter, but how do I keep it from coming back or killing it…
Mass Cane Toxicity
Q. We have some questions regarding our MassĀ Cane plant. We’ve had this plant for 6 years but recently it started growing this long flower like substance. Is it normal for this plants to grow flowers? Also, it has a very strong scent. We are just concerned that it may be toxic in any way….