Q. I have a strange plant growing next to my walkway. How can I go about identifying it? Conrad Cinq-Mars – Gig Harbor, WA A. That all depends on how strange it is. If your neighbor’s name is Seymour and he feeds it blood it might be Audrey II. I think it is doubtful that…
Category: Gardening Q & A
Here you will find answers to questions from gardeners around the country. Some answers pertain to all but others are more regional so have a look at them all. You will also see that the Gardening Q & A is broken down into the following regions so please use the drop-down Categories menu to the right to see specific regions :

Leaf blight on Western Red Cedar
Q. One of our cedar trees has brown tips on the needles in one area of the tree. Both pictures are of different sides of the same tree. The brown area developed almost overnight about three weeks ago. We have not done any digging or grading in the yard from 15 years. I hope you…
Peach Leaf Curl
Q. My peach trees have leaf curl. All information I’ve been able to find indicates that there’s nothing that can or should be done once the tree has leafed out, but that when all the leaves have fallen off the tree (presumably in the autumn, although one of the two is dropping the most severely…
When to prune wisteria
Q. I have two Wisterias, outside of the apt., I just moved into. They are growing from each side of a overhanging trestle When is the best time to prune them and how? Thank you Donna Beets – Upper Lake, CA A. Prune them immediately after they finish blooming. This is to ensure you don’t…
Fresh wood chips controversy
Q. Will it hurt evergreen trees to put woodchips around them as mulch if the chips are from recently chipped up trees and branches (green)? Bob Heacock – Harleysville, PA A. Over the years there has been some controversy over using fresh wood chips as you describe in the landscape. The issues of soil nitrogen…